
Your click pays for Teampembo's chocolate fund

Friday, March 30, 2007


This is something that I picked up in the Guardian on Thursday. An online fascination for Westcountry Cheese.

Over half a million people, since the new year have been watching online the maturing process of Westcountry Farmhouse Chedder, by the mode of Cheddervision. A webcam set up to keep an eye on a 44lb truckle of cheddar maturing in a Somerset dairy. Apparantly the most exciting thing so far happened today:

"Cheesemaker Tom Calver appeared on camera and used a corer to perform the three-month maturation test. This involves taking a sample of the cheese and sniffing it."

The clip will be on youtube. Visitors have been logging in from around the world, including New Zealand and Iceland. I assume that these must be cheese loving/ farming countries.

The websites is quite impressive, and there is a good link to buy some cheese online. I'm sure that Cheddervision will prove a clever idea in boosting online sales


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